19 February 2009

ghetto-fabulous is to english as..

Taking a further step into the brave new world of social media. i've been blogging semi-privately for quite some time, but am looking at re-learning my blog habits with an eye to making the time i spend at the computer *gasp* productive. If you've followed the wufkitn that is i around for any length of time, fear not; i'm sure to still lapse into  ridiculousness on a regular basis. i just hope to do it for a reason.

As i am new ~here~, perhaps a bit of bio is in order? i'm a Rainbow punk hippie goth gypsie and, like, a Pisces Virgo-rising, Gemini/Cancer moon on the midheaven, ikay? And i pronounce my name "sadie" - i took the spelling after the cartoonist Vaughn Bode in the late 70s, long before anyone heard of that singer. i've been a college DJ on both WCSB(1982-1997) and WRUW (2006-2008),  a blacklight performance artist (The Subliminals, 1987-1990), a sideshow performer & professional Tarot reader (Carnival Xaotika, 1996-2003), a bellydancer (YaShara's Rising Stars, 2000-2003), and a gothic-folk musician (Dragonfly Reel, 1998-2003).

Currently, i am an artist, an artist's model, a crafter, a publicist, and a theater person. i stage manage/run tech for the Liminis, a small independent theater company and promote/co-manage Morticia's Chair, pirate rockers, yarrrgghh! i'm a social gadfly and a cultural midwife. i'm friendly with all sorts of people, listen to all sorts of music, hope no one's watching when i dance, hang out in places my ex-sister-in-law considers "bad neighborhoods". i have a lot of fun, i make stuff happen, and i often leave a trail of glitter behind me.

i'm planning to use this blog to drop names and pimp my friend's projects. Fo' real, tho. Know of something Interesting going on in Clevo? Gallery openings, small theater, indie/goth/industrial/psychedelic rock, poetry readings, all-night coffeehouses, vegan potlucks? Word to ya mother. OK that only applies to my grrlinas, the rest of you can address me as MISS Sascha Peppercorn *snick*. Um. So much for maintaining a professional tone. Stick around, i might do better. This one's just to get the party started - a post with Bonus! actual content might even go up today. Ph33r mah l33t engulous sk1llz n00b.

Alright sade. Put down the keyboard and back slowly away from the computer..

1 comment:

  1. Well, now I know where that follow req. from Morticia's Chair on Twitter came from.

    Welcome to Blogland


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