24 January 2011

triple theater threat

Wow. Two weeks already? Well, the moon looked pretty full last night, so i guess its time for - (dun duh DUH) An Update. Rather a happy exercise, as it happens, since it gives me a way of Keeping Track. Ah, and welcome to the blog post of Theater Benefits and Pointless Capitalization, it seems!

Its funny, every time i sit down to write one of these, my first thought is, 'Well, i didn't do much this time'. Then i go look at my calendar. As always, i wind up with a full paragraph of do-ings. This week? No different. So - onward!

Over the course of the past two weeks, i've attended a couple meetings for the upcoming benefit at the Liminis, signed on to stage-manage the benefit for the Cleveland Shakespeare Festival and to do sound design for the first convergence production of the year, re-scheduled my audition for the benefit for Near West Theater, ordered garden catalogs (none of which have yet arrived, grr), had another 'tweet-up' with my new/old friend, took down my tree, went to the Capitol Theater for the first time, and spent a lot of time curled in bed watching DVDs. i've also shifted my work schedule so that, in theory, i will have two days off in a row. It hasn't quite happened yet, as i keep getting called in to do things on a day off; but i'm hopeful.

By the time the next blog goes up, we'll have made a formal announcement about this year's Liminis benefit. Since that hasn't happened yet, all i can say is: BRRAAAIIIINNNNSSZS. i am busy wracking mine in an attempt to secure suitable entertainment. It's tough, because we're going up against both RAMONESMANIA and the Brite Winter Fest; but i'll get it done somehow. As for the Near West benefit, i'll probably be reprising my Snow Queen character; i've never 'auditioned' as a statue before so i'm not quite sure how that will go. i guess what it really means is, i need to put together a promotional packet for myself, pronto.

What i'm really excited about tho, is working the CleveShakes benefit. i'm not sure which is cooler here: that i got to learn how to run two new programs (i run sound AND lights on this one), or that i get to crew a performance at the Brooks Theater! Some of my first theater memories are there. Some of my first exposure to Shakespeare happened there - although i realized this morning that my *first* Shakespeare memory is also my "born in a trunk" moment, struggling to stay awake and watch my dad perform in a student production at Kent State while my mom worked box office.

Curiously, he was playing one of the witches in "Macbeth", a play that theater people can be superstitious about, considering it 'cursed'.. and the play we're doing for the benefit, "Scenery" revolves around the backstage action in a theatrical couple's dressing room on opening night - including the mysterious gift of a copy of "Macbeth". i love it when things come full circle like that.

And that, dear friends, is about all there is to report this time out. i've been pretty spectacularly UNcreative; i got as far as purchasing a new sketchbook but haven't even sharpened the pencils that i bought with it yet. My thought is to drop in on one of the Friday night open life drawing sessions over at the Literary while i still have some Friday evenings open - well, *when* i have one open again, which won't be til February. And sometime in the next couple weeks i've got to create a piece for the spring show at Doubting Thomas; sadly, i as yet have NO idea what that will be.

Finally, i have to start building up my stock for the Fairie Festival in May - assuming i get accepted back, of course; but as this will be my twelfth year vending if i do, i'm gambling on it. Still waiting to hear if they also will accept me as a living statue; if so, i'll have to get busy and start creating a faerie costume for myself, won't that be a burden! But let's not get too far ahead. We're at the coldest point of the year right now, so i am going to go bake some coffeecake for a potluck brunch and then maybe climb back into bed to get warm til its done. See you in two weeks!

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