10 January 2011

End is but a new Begin

Y helo thar, readers. Hop enue yar. Seems like Lady Moon spun thru these past two weeks at double time; but then, i was late on the last post and there was that stretch of holiday craziness to get through, now mercifully over. i think the plan is to sum up what i did, but do i even know? i suppose that i do, and now that i gather my wits, there really *wasn't* very much since the last post. Which should make for quick disposal. Oh dear, that never bodes well, when i think that - !

There was the end of 2010 and the beginning of this year more than anything, of course. New Year's Eve always a juggle of more invitations and obligations than i can possibly keep. There's the dress i decided to make at the last minute, which, once completed, i didn't wear. There was the stop at Ed's, and the party where i ended the night, and a midnight between them spent quietly in pleasant company. There was, at last, family xmas: an overshot roadtrip to pick up younger daughter, dinner at the folks, gifts. There was a serendipituous tweetup with a woman likely to become a regular partner in crime; and a benefit to cover medical expenses for the Perfect Guy. And finally, the con-con holiday hangover party combined with (to my knowledge) first-ever company meeting to kick off our tenth season.

Photobucketi didn't do much crafting, except for making these silly little Santa candy dishes. These were inspired by an old family photo my brother had put up - can you spot the original behind our fabulous 70s outfits and Mom's groovy pigtails? PhotobucketHint:Its on top of the piano. It may yet reside in a box at my folks; they haven't broken out the full compliment of xmas goodies in years. i'm not sure my grrlinas Got It, but what the heck, i had fun.

Hopefully they appreciated the legwarmers made from recycled sweaters a bit more. Those, of course, i didn't think to take pictures of cuz i'm smart like that. Not sure if i found the idea on Instructables or, more likely, Burda Style. There WILL be more of these, because legwarmers possess teh awesome, and repurposed clothing automatically doubles that quotient. You can cruise my Etsy shop in about a month, bet you'll find some. Of course you can cruise it right now and find other things - go on, i'll wait.

See, wasn't that fun? =} Oh, speaking of Etsy reminds me i also put in my application to vend at The Fairie Festival in May. OK, somewhere i have a picture of me at my cart last year which i wanted to use, but i can't find it ::gnar:: So here's a pic of the Maypole instead. Photobucket This is simply The. Coolest. Event. EVAR. Its so cool i put in a dual application this year, as vendor and performer both - hoping i can come do my statue thing, and put an assistant in charge of my cart. And speaking of *that* reminds me i also applied to perform as a statue at a benefit for Near West Theater next month. i have an audition in a couple weeks which will be amusing i think; i'm going to show up, stand there and ignore them.

And oh dear, i did do even more than i thought at first; because i seem to have signed on as Stage Manager for Cleveland Shakespeare's benefit which i will probably be completely immersed in by the time my next update is due. While i ~could~ have said no, i couldn't really, as CleveShakes may not solely be the brainchild of my boss but is pretty damn close; but its also at the Playhouse and yes, thank you, i'll take a resume credit there in exchange for the last two weekends in January.

PhotobucketThere's not a lot to say about family xmas except OMG LOOK AT THIS DOLL , shown here posing with Erl the Stuffed Dog. Elder daughter has officially put her Maa's crafting ability to shame. Younger daughter also received a doll; *hers* is a stuffed - and bearded! - version of The Snuggler. i don't know why; young people have ways different from our own. My dollie has yet to tell me what she'd like to weat instead of a scarf - when she does, i'll make it for her.

i suppose NYE gets a paragraph or two as well. i mentioned making a dress - i'll find some excuse to wear it somewhere, don't know where yet tho. When i bought the material, the clerk at JoAnn's warned me i'd have glitter everywhere. Photobucket My inner drag queen rejoiced, but i'll tell ya what, she wasn't kidding. Its a lovely blue velour w/silver glitter crescents and starbursts, that leaves a shimmering slug trail behind it anywhere i would have or will wear it. And where did i go, in the big blue satin shirt i wore instead - ?

My first stop was at Edison's, of course. Morticia's Chair were already playing when i arrived, so i didn't really get to say hi to the guys in the band. The place looked great, all done up in black and white tinsel rope, and was starting to fill with people, but i couldn't stay. i've spent, i think, the last three or four New Year's Eve's there and that's plenty. i'd accepted an invite to a party with friends from the Clepunk crowd and was headed there; but i made a stop along the way and ushered in the new year there, listening to WCSB and fireworks going off in the neighborhood. Might have stayed if i hadn't promised the hostess, who had made up a sweet little crash space just for me, complete with a ragdoll. That was a lovely time as well, where i also would have stayed longer if the birdies didn't require my presence the next morning.

One last thing i did and then its on to what i will be doing.. i attended a benefit at the Happy Dog for Dave P from the Very Knees, who had to deal with an unpleasant attendee at his own New Years party and wound up with a broken arm for his trouble :-( Jovana from Hot Cha Cha said he's been crowned King of Cleveland and i don't know about that but it could be true. If you've ever wandered downstairs to This Way Out during a show at the Beachland, you've probably talked to Dave. Not sure if the Hot Cha Cha grrls organized the benefit for him but it sure was a crazy turnout.

This leads into what i will be doing nicely, as for a while i've been talking about having an All Grrl's Night Out. i got the bright idea to talk to Jovana about it and now it kinda has to happen. Hoping to make it at the end of February; there will be MUCH more - maybe even a special separate post! - as soon as i get it on its feet. PhotobucketOf course, i will also be organizing the convergence annual benefit event to happen in mid-February, so there is not going to be anything like 'down time' in my life just because the temps are in the teens and no one wants to go out and do anything in this weather. Speaking of this weather, here's a lovely photo i took off my porch during a recent snowfall: .
Seriously, this is right in the city, just a couple miles from the center of downtown Cleveland. Ain't it sumthin'?

Alright kids, time to go stir the soup. See you at the full moon..

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