What is it i have done since last i posted, to weary me so? If one can but believe it, i can scarce recall; i know only that it has been the holidays, and there have been many parties, and it seems i attended them all. Thereby at last turning me into one of the Bronte sisters, apparently. Next thing you know i shall take to my bed in the garrett, not to rise til spring or perhaps at all; the consumption having gotten me at the last.
Well a well, then, if that be not it.. then i suppose i spent four nights a week in the most horrendously pink dress i ever sewed (what was i thinking at the time?!), my hair in pigtails, belting out "Sow Took the Measles" in my best bad country drawl. i - oh! - i did two craft shows, my first in months. i attended two friend's holiday parties, another friend's 40th birthday bash, and a gathering of Clepunks/former WCSB jocks at Prosperity Social Club. i sat, freezing, on my porch to watch the lunar eclipse, got my picture taken on Hovaclause's lap, went caroling on Xmas Eve, had an open house (with full turkey dinner) at Chez Wufkitn on the 25th, got wow-ed at the Project "R" DVD release party at the Center for Rock Research, and finally saw the greatest Xmas band in the world, Missile Toe. And it hasn't even *been* Christmas with my family, yet. i guess maybe i have good reason to be tired.
i don't know if i need to break those down much further. i'd like to shift, in the hopefully-near future, to doing one 'wrap-up' post like this, and then giving the details in smaller posts made every other day or so; but that won't really work til i have full, regular internet access again. And honestly, i don't know if i have the time to keep up with that much blogging, although as my tendency is to write one big SPLAT of a post i'm hoping i can still do that then edit it into bite-sized pieces.
i also am likely going to start a second blog. Yes, i know, i was just saying i don't have time enough for this one - what, am i crazy? Well yes, but never mind all that. i feel like i'm beginning to get a focus with this one, something i lacked when i began it. i want the second blog as a place to put my more metaphysical ramblings, which will likely happen much more sporadically; and keep this one as an outlet for my art/craft/theater/performing etc activities.
And so with that, my small but cherished band of faithful readers, i shall take my leave of you, ne'er to be seen again until Father Kronos has once again passed away and been replaced by his newborn child-self - which is to say next year, for the less mythically-minded amongst you. May your days be merry and your toes be warm, and i shall see you in 2011!
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