29 October 2010

farewell reel

Me again. If you've read more than one post in this blog, you are aware that i've never quite settled on what i want it to *be* - which shouldn't surprise me, as i've never quite settled on that about myself either, even after a half-century of trying to figure it out.

i know i don't want this to reflect my inner ramblings and quirks; if and when i feel like sharing those with the outside world, well, i've got a space for that. Yet ask a Pisces not to talk about her feelings, or vague, mystical pronouncements? HA! Well, you can ask. Just don't hold your breath waiting. Unless you're into that sort of thing.

However, by the time this posts, it will be a new year. Yes, it will. For me. i observe a modified Celtic-eclectic version of the Wheel of the Year, and if i say its new - just don't argue, ok? And since new years are for new things, let's try something new here.

Whurgh. That's already three paragraphs of expository rambling, and if its taking me this long to get to the point, then - maybe what i'll do is make this post the LAST of the old year, and put up the New Improved Active Avoidance a few days later, how's that. Fine. Glad we got that settled.

As of next week, then, i am going to attempt - as a personal discipline - to post twice a month, summing up the events and projects i've been involved with since the previous post. i always have a million things going on; i really should be talking about them here. Consider this a farewell to the old paradigm Active Avoidance, then, and tune in next time to find out what wacky hi-jinks your narratrix has been up to this time! (hint - big favorite holiday weekend.. should be a good one).

Oh, one more thing. With the temporary discombobulation of my beloved Nettie, this blog is going to have to remain picture-free until i can get her a new screen. i'm still *taking* pics; i just don't have a way to upload them without the ability to plug in a memory card - which my iMac doesn't possess. You shall have to illustrate my befuddling variety of misadventures *with your mind*. See? Challenges for me, challenges for you. Its going to be an equal-opportunity kind of blog.

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