Friday the 13th has traditionally been a good day for me, and this just past was no different. Except maybe that it was better than some - ? Top ten, i'd say, if i were able to count such things. Actually, its the weekend as a whole i'm looking at, or even back into the week.. from the new moon on, let's say. A good time to mark a beginning.
Dark moons have been a noticeable event in my life for the last twenty years or so. i've mentioned that fact before. Long enough you'd think i'd remember to pay attention when one's coming up, but they're as likely to sneak up on me as not. i hit a peak, crest a wave, look at my little Lunabar app, and - oh, go figure. That's been as certainly true with this one as any.
So maybe it wasn't until Saturday that it struck me, really; but then, i'm often so caught up in the moment i don't have time to Process until afterwards. But at some point Saturday i realized - i have a stack of checks sitting on my desk, waiting to be deposited. Wait, now, i have *what* - ?! But its true. i'm hardly rolling - all but one are for less than a hundred dollars - but neither am i in danger of defaulting on the rent, at least for next month. After that, who knows. Its a crapshoot - welcome to the world of freelance! - but right now, just for today (if you will) i'm doing ok.
Also on Saturday, after closing night for the last play, i had a really nice conversation with one of our troupe members. Who is also going the freelance route, a bit further down the path than me tho. But he was very encouraging, seemed like he Sees it how i See it. i've been feeling pretty good about how things are going anyway, but hearing someone else's take on it was really nice (and definitely appreciated, pal, if you're reading this!)
Somewhere along the way with this, i also had a moment of feeling.. of realization.. how can i put this. Five years ago i was in such a different place - emotionally, financially, physically.. and at the time, i Saw that a wave of change was coming in. i didn't know where the wave would take me, only that Something was building. Now, i suddenly feel like i know what it was building towards, that i'm Here, Now, this is It. By which i don't mean at an end or stopping point; maybe the end of an era or phase and the beginning of a new one, but not Over over. i'm certainly not ready to be done, by a long shot.
Saturday night i went home early, no reason to stay out. In a good frame of mind after hanging out with my pal. My apartment, lovely new place, was quiet, a lazy humid breeze drifting up from the lake. i went into the living room in the dark, still not used to having so much space of my very own, and started doing yoga - a nice long session, stretching myself beyond my usual limits. Moving very slowly, Subliminal time, so as not to pull anything; and then settling into statue mode. i wanted to try a new pose, see if i could hold it, and i think that i can, that it will work (a variation on the Venus de Milo - obviously variant, as my arms are staying attached thanks just the same!) Did my regular workout after that and then went to sleep to the sound of crickets and the gentle oscillation of my fan.
Things are coming together in my life - i feel that finding this apartment is a symbol of that, not the cause, of course. But as if that was the last key i had to turn in the lock, and now the door has opened. Life could be very scary right now; i have no idea how i'll pay rent in October, little say electric or food or heat. i signed a year lease that i can't promise i'll be able to carry out. And yet somehow i'm not worried - in fact, i'm quite the opposite of worried; serenely trusting in thee yoniverse that S/He will provide.
i don't believe there are accidents - maybe causes and effects we can't perceive or understand. Not accidents, though. i'm here, where i am, because this is where i am *meant* to be at this juncture. The place fits me too perfectly. And if i managed to make this lucky stumble, to some place i feel so content, so able to live my life, then i Trust and believe that the means to maintaining it will appear. This is already beginning to happen; opportunities i would not have expected or looked for seem to be springing up. i'm cautious about getting too optimistic, settling back and thinking i've nothing to worry about, but at the same time trying not to worry things *out* of existence, either.
A final tangent and i'll close: i'm a reader with a broad spectrum of tastes, have been my whole life. i therefore pick up books at the thrifts fairly regularly; a twenty-five cent investment can provide a week's worth of entertainment, albeit some much more entertaining than others. One of my recent acquisitions, "Timescape" by Gregory Benford, might not seem entertaining to most folks. Its what is known as 'hard' science fiction; that is, the science in it is real, or real enough to speculate upon. There's not much sex (what little there is involves the closest thing to a villain in the piece, nothing racy at all) and even less violence. Nary a car chase to be found. i've been looking forward to getting home every night so i could get back to it.
The book deals with the possibility of a sort of time travel, or at least communication backwards in time; and the problems arising if such an endeavour proves successful. Since the author is equipped with a working knowledge of quantum physics (circa 1980), one of the possible consequences of such communication is the notion of parallel universes - a concept i've spent a lot of time thinking about.
One of the most interesting things in the world to me is when you go far enough around the circle that magic becomes a science, and science blurs and dissolves into spirit. Sir Arthur Eddington is quoted as saying "The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff", one of the shaping mantras of my life. This book doesn't go quite that deeply in, but it does ultimately begin to deal with the question of what happens when the universe splits in two (Another look at this, one more accessible to the general populace, occurs in the movie "The Butterfly Effect").
The protagonist realizes, near the end of the story, that his universe shifted and changed, and that his former future was no longer 'future', that it, in fact, no longer *existed* for him. He is even able to narrow it down to approximately when the shift happened, one of several events that might have thrown the switch (as readers in the 'outside observer' mode, we know very clearly which event, as the outcome - the author chose a well-known historical moment - turned out very differently in our world).
What intrigues me is the notion that his fictional description of the sense of shifting futures, and at least one theoretical speculation on how this could happen, very strongly mirror my own experiences, and intuitive sense of the same - my 'magic' just took a giant step closer to his 'science'. Is it then so wildly improbable that 'magic' brought me into this apartment, is bringing me new opportunities, even that it put a randomly-chosen book from the thrift store into my hands with a possible explanation for how such things might happen - ?!
Of course, any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic to less advanced civilizations. But whether its that hoodoo that you do or the Wheeler-Everett-Graham model doesn't matter to me. All i know is, the universe is unfolding as it should, and for once i seem to be surfing the crest of the probability wave. Um - cowabunga??
Observations on life in the 21st by a post-boom, pre-GenX indie womyn of art.
20 August 2010
05 August 2010
new diggins
Alright, i confess - i am a bad blogger. At least in the Y Hlo Thar World expository sense most people use when they blog; i'm far too good at the Oh Teh Noes Why Didn't He Call, staple hand to forehead sort. i am trying to be better about it - and oh, nothing gets me doing something creative like telling myself i really *must*, now, tonight, get around to some OTHER project. Like writing a blog.
Having decided that yes, i am due - its been a month since my last one already, omfg, how can that be?! - i've proceeded instead to work on decorating some papier mache fish i'm making for a friend's shop, make and eat dinner, begin emptying my cupboards, sort and re-file my three crates of records and do some active listening towards the next play's sound design.
What's that about emptying cupboards, you say? Funny thing, that; as it ties right in to the topic i've chosen to soliloquize upon this month. To wit, my new apartment. i've put up some pics in the past of where i used to live, but i doubt any of them gave the proper impression of just how freaking *small* it was. Funky dog-leg hallway aside, it really was only two rooms, kitchen and bath. Which meant that my workroom had to do double duty as my kitchen - or should that be the other way around?

Yeah, i crammed a whole lot of stuff into not very much space and i made it work. However, in the middle of April i came down to a notice that the landlord was facing 'financial difficulties' (well, who isn't these days?) and we should expect our utilities to be going away, oh, any day now. It was not much of a step from that to the few remaining tenants fleeing the proverbial sinking ship the house had become - and just like that, as of June i suddenly found myself once again a squatter in my 'own' home.
Now, it's a little-known fact that i am not actually a Tremont resident. Most people *believe* i am, since i'm there every day one way or another; but the truth is, for the last three years i've resided in the nearby and, dare i say, equally trendy arts district of Gordon Square. But with this handwriting on the wall, perhaps the time had come to move to Tremont at last - after all, i've only been hanging out there for more than twenty years. i was even approved for an apartment down near Steelyard, yet chose not to go - heresy!
Sorry Tremonsters, but you just couldn't compete with what i found. Here's what sold me:

Ginormous closet of awesome, clawfoot tub on hexagonal tile, *living room*, full-size stove, linen closet - linen closet!! - PORCH.. Yeah, my world, it has been rocked. Still pinching myself.
This, then, is my excuse for not blogging all month - yeah! A good one, this time! i've been busy doing this:

i mentioned the ginormous closet, which can be seen in the first collage. When i got the keys and walked through on my own, i discovered two more closets, at which point i KNEW i'd died and gone to heaven. In addition to that spans-the-living-room one, i have a bedroom closet for clothes, and a walk-in off the dining room (now workshop/office).
At long last, i'll be free of my one pal's grumbly taunt that 'i sure have a lot of stuff'. True, i do; but i suspect if you took everything in *his* 2bdr+den house and crammed it into two rooms, it'd seem like a lot, too. Now i've got things stored out of sight, and my furniture isn't piled on top of itself. Well, mostly. This building's 93 years old;

they believed in high ceilings then. Who am i not to take advantage? (i also, as seen above, have a Greenman standing guard outside my living room, a lovely, rustic view off my kitchen porch, and an incredible view of sunsets over the lake. Also, not shown here, a view of the lake. That's right, LAKE BREEZES. Amazing).
i think i've done rather admirably with all this, if i do say so myself.

Not all the artwork is hung, and there are a few shelves still waiting to be filled. The futon bunk needs re-assembled, and i've a chair i want to bring from the storage locker. A chair, i might add, that has BEEN in that locker since it came back from Conneaut five years ago. i might even add in a coffee table, altho my lovely 1950s Swedish pine occaisional table must languish in the dark with the 1930s deco vanity a while longer.
Oh, and about those cupboards? i applaud my landlord's commitment to keeping the place vermin-free, i really do - par*tic*ularly after the last place =P But i'm one who takes full advantage of to-the-ceiling original kitchen cabinets. i cook for large groups on a somewhat regular basis, i bake at the holidays, i have Grandma Vernye's Fire King china and more tchotchkes than you can shake your stick at. Emptying every single cupboard, shelf, and cabinet in kitchen AND bath is a pain in the tuchus. Especially since i only just finished filling them all up. Ah well - there had to be a drawback somewhere..
Having decided that yes, i am due - its been a month since my last one already, omfg, how can that be?! - i've proceeded instead to work on decorating some papier mache fish i'm making for a friend's shop, make and eat dinner, begin emptying my cupboards, sort and re-file my three crates of records and do some active listening towards the next play's sound design.
What's that about emptying cupboards, you say? Funny thing, that; as it ties right in to the topic i've chosen to soliloquize upon this month. To wit, my new apartment. i've put up some pics in the past of where i used to live, but i doubt any of them gave the proper impression of just how freaking *small* it was. Funky dog-leg hallway aside, it really was only two rooms, kitchen and bath. Which meant that my workroom had to do double duty as my kitchen - or should that be the other way around?
Yeah, i crammed a whole lot of stuff into not very much space and i made it work. However, in the middle of April i came down to a notice that the landlord was facing 'financial difficulties' (well, who isn't these days?) and we should expect our utilities to be going away, oh, any day now. It was not much of a step from that to the few remaining tenants fleeing the proverbial sinking ship the house had become - and just like that, as of June i suddenly found myself once again a squatter in my 'own' home.
Now, it's a little-known fact that i am not actually a Tremont resident. Most people *believe* i am, since i'm there every day one way or another; but the truth is, for the last three years i've resided in the nearby and, dare i say, equally trendy arts district of Gordon Square. But with this handwriting on the wall, perhaps the time had come to move to Tremont at last - after all, i've only been hanging out there for more than twenty years. i was even approved for an apartment down near Steelyard, yet chose not to go - heresy!
Sorry Tremonsters, but you just couldn't compete with what i found. Here's what sold me:
Ginormous closet of awesome, clawfoot tub on hexagonal tile, *living room*, full-size stove, linen closet - linen closet!! - PORCH.. Yeah, my world, it has been rocked. Still pinching myself.
This, then, is my excuse for not blogging all month - yeah! A good one, this time! i've been busy doing this:
i mentioned the ginormous closet, which can be seen in the first collage. When i got the keys and walked through on my own, i discovered two more closets, at which point i KNEW i'd died and gone to heaven. In addition to that spans-the-living-room one, i have a bedroom closet for clothes, and a walk-in off the dining room (now workshop/office).
At long last, i'll be free of my one pal's grumbly taunt that 'i sure have a lot of stuff'. True, i do; but i suspect if you took everything in *his* 2bdr+den house and crammed it into two rooms, it'd seem like a lot, too. Now i've got things stored out of sight, and my furniture isn't piled on top of itself. Well, mostly. This building's 93 years old;
i think i've done rather admirably with all this, if i do say so myself.
Not all the artwork is hung, and there are a few shelves still waiting to be filled. The futon bunk needs re-assembled, and i've a chair i want to bring from the storage locker. A chair, i might add, that has BEEN in that locker since it came back from Conneaut five years ago. i might even add in a coffee table, altho my lovely 1950s Swedish pine occaisional table must languish in the dark with the 1930s deco vanity a while longer.
Oh, and about those cupboards? i applaud my landlord's commitment to keeping the place vermin-free, i really do - par*tic*ularly after the last place =P But i'm one who takes full advantage of to-the-ceiling original kitchen cabinets. i cook for large groups on a somewhat regular basis, i bake at the holidays, i have Grandma Vernye's Fire King china and more tchotchkes than you can shake your stick at. Emptying every single cupboard, shelf, and cabinet in kitchen AND bath is a pain in the tuchus. Especially since i only just finished filling them all up. Ah well - there had to be a drawback somewhere..
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